Little and big miracles of everyday

My cat starts her day early.
Last Tuesday, she woke me up at 4:45. I got up to see what she was up to as she was making some noise in the living room. It turned out that she was playing with her little ball. On my way back to bed, I looked out the window and opened it on a whim.
It was neither warm nor cold outside. The air was balmlike. It was filled with moisture, as if an echo of last night's light rain decided to stay for a little longer.
The air flew gently into the room and touched me on the face. It was so soothing. I loved this unexpected presence. It reminded me of the time when I'd lived in England (it's where I initially fell in love with moist in the air and learnt to greet a gray rainy day with a warm smile).
The rainy weather carries some relief in it. It's not very demanding. Just a little bit of everything will do. Just one text a day, one conversation, one small discovery, will be enough.
Sometimes what we don't like at the start becomes dear to us later. Sometimes, in difficulty we discover a gift.
These times - our times - aren't easy. And yet, we're alive. We have our families, our friends, our little landscapes out the windows, our naughty cats that wake us up too early so that we can catch the delight of a moment that would pass unnoticed otherwise...
And, there are people, who may be total strangers to us, who are willing to take care of patients in hospitals, who maintain roads and take out garbage, who bake bread on a daily basis, who come to work to a grocery store so that others can buy food and cosmetics, and toilet paper.
We're getting in touch (virtually but far beyond the confines of an electronic device) with each other, and, on a bigger scale, between nations and continents. We're informing each other about the current situation with the coronavirus. We're looking for possible solutions. We're helping and reaching for help.
In this big world, all around the globe, we're all connected.
And, everyday miracles keep showing up. Just keep your eyes open :).
* * *
Now, if you want to stop and have a look at your life, what are your answers to the following questions?
1. What are the simple things that make you feel good or even happy? It could be stroking your cat, playing football with your classmates, sitting in your garden with a cup of coffee, counting the stars, making soap bubbles.
Make a list of these simple pleasures and keep it in a place where you can easily see it.
2. Are there objects, smells, kinds of weather, songs, types of food, etc., that are special to you or move you back in time or open some important memories? Tell or write about one such thing.
3. Is there anything that has surprised you lately? Has anyone or anything given you hope or made you think in a different way than you usually think about everyday life?
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