I've never been to Hawaii
This is another example of Present Perfect tense.
photo: pixabay.com
photo: pixabay.com
I've never... = I don't have such an experience.
Zdań tych używamy, żeby powiedzieć, że czegoś jeszcze w życiu nie robiliśmy, np.
I've never driven a car. Nigdy nie prowadziłem auta.
Budowa takiego zdania:
Osoba (oprócz he/she/it) + have (lub w skrócie 've) + czasownik regularny z końcówką -ed lub nieregularny w III formie (Past Participle).
1. Now, read and translate the sentences. The photos are here to help you :).
photo: pixabay.com

I’ve never been to Hawaii, New Zealand or the Canary Islands.
photo: pixabay.com

I’ve never danced the tango in Argentina.
photo: pixabay.com

I’ve never spoken Vietnamese.
photo: pixabay.com

photo: pixabay.com

I’ve never sung on stage during a concert.
photo: pixabay.com

I’ve never built a house.
photo: pixabay.com

photo: pixabay.com

I’ve never kept an elephant in my garden.
2. And now, complete the sentences with your own ideas.
I’ve never cooked....
I’ve never been to....
I’ve never met....
I’ve never found.....
I’ve never worn.....
I’ve never given.....
(the verbs in the sentences are Past Participle forms of be- być, meet - spotkać lub poznać, find - znaleźć, wear - być ubranym w, nosić coś na sobie and give - dać)
(the verbs in the sentences are Past Participle forms of be- być, meet - spotkać lub poznać, find - znaleźć, wear - być ubranym w, nosić coś na sobie and give - dać)
3. Write your own sentences now and, this time, after each, make
a comment.
I’ve never been to Hawaii but I’d love to go there.
I've never spoken French but I'd like to learn this language.
I've never bought a diamond ring, I don't need one.
I've never had a dog because I'm allergic to animals. What a pity!
I'd love to... - Bardzo bym chciał(a)...
I'd like to... - Chciałbym...
What a pity! - Jaka szkoda!
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