Have you ever thought of a polar bear?
Have you ever thought of a polar bear
in the middle of holidays?
Have you ever said hallo to a stray dog
or how are you to a squirrel?
Have you ever met a frog on your way
to school, and wish him well?
Have you ever smiled at sparrows, touched
a puddle, hugged a tree?
Have you ever waved your hand
at the stars, or looked some distant galaxy
in the eye? Have you ever dreamt of a single grain
of desert sand, have you seen a raindrop
sink into the ocean, have you ever wondered
how it’s like to be
a snowflake
on top
of Mount Everest?
photo: pixabay.com
A Perfect Summer Day
Have you ever:
walked barefoot on the grass
drunk cool lemonade
on the porch with your friends
swum in the lake or
collected seashells
sunbathed on the beach
or eaten ice cream
with your family
and laughed just because
you felt
so relaxed and happy?
How do you do it?
1. Choose a topic. For example, family, food, travelling, love, animals, sport, etc.
2. Then write some questions all around that topic.
For example, if your topic is sport, then you can ask “Have you ever played (+ a game)?” “Have you ever done (+ sport type)?” “Have you ever practised (+ a sport)?” Have you ever been to (+ a... match)?”, “Have you ever bought (+ one example of sports equipment or gadget)?”
3. You can play with the layout of lines if you want to (see the Summer Poem above).
4. Choose a suitable title that summarises or points to your topic, e.g. “A Sports Fan”.
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