Life's colourful, isn't it?

Hi all,
today let's take a moment to enjoy and cherish colours in our lives. I'll give you a hand in this task by making a short list of questions. You can write your answers in a notebook, on a piece of paper, on your laptop in a Word file, or just say them aloud. Also, you can answer just one question, or some, or all of them.
Ready? So, here we go...
1. Look around. What is green in your room or outside (have a look out the window)? Now, what is red? Blue? Yellow? Orange? Violet? Pink? Brown? Grey? Black? White? Silver? Gold? Are there any other colours?
2. Make a list of food products, fruit and vegetable included, that are:
Is there anything to eat that is purple? Silver? Black? Blue?
3. What is your favourite colour? Why do you like it best? What do you have in this colour?
4. The last task needs using your imagination. Do you feel like having a go?
If so, choose a colour (it can be your favourite one). Now, contemplate it for a moment and answer the following questions:
- How does it look like?*
- How does it smell like?
- How does it taste like?
- How does it feel when you touch it?
- How does it sound like?
- What moods or feelings are there in this colour?
(* W takich pytaniach "like" nie oznacza "lubić".
How does it look like? = Jak to wygląda?
It looks like... - To wygląda jak...)
Here's my answer (you can write yours before looking at mine; or, you can first read mine, so that you have an example):

My favourite colour is blue.
Blue looks like a lake, some exotic sea, the Pacific Ocean, the vast sky. It looks like my father's eyes, my sister's eyes, and mine. It looks like my favourite scarf. Also, like Portuguese tile mosaics. Or, a magic fish.
It smells like fresh air, or a breeze, or the time between the last day of winter and the very first day of spring.
It tastes like nothing in particular. I mean, I think it doesn't have a taste. Or, maybe it tastes like an icicle. Not a strong taste, anyway.
It feels like traveling by plane. Also, like touching cosmic space. It feels like a lot of water between your palms, a lot of time at your fingertips.
It sounds like... silence. Or, like a bird flying. Or, like a seawave coming to the shore and going back.
Blue feels blue - I mean, sad and melancholic, pensive and homesick. Like waiting for something to happen or someone to come. Bul it also feels calm and quiet. Like there's never been any noise in the Universe.
If you want to, you can put any of your answers in the comments. Thank you in advance if you do :).
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