A new day has just begun
photo: pixabay.com

Today we'll have a closer look at the little word just, which is a time expression that goes with Present Perfect tense.
just - właśnie, dopiero co
A new day has just begun. Właśnie zaczął się nowy dzień.
A new day has just begun. Właśnie zaczął się nowy dzień.
I've just opened my eyes. Dopiero co otworzyłam oczy.
Osoba (oprócz he/she/it) + have (w skrócie 've) + just + czasownik regularny z końcówką -ed lub nieregularny w formie Past Participle (III forma)
W 3. osobie liczby pojedynczej, czyli he, she, it ( także my mother, that boy, the phone, itp.) zamiast have używamy has.
1. Look at these examples. See if you understand them. Translate the sentences.
What has just happened?
I've just yawned and blinked.
My brother has just opened the window.
Dad has just shaved. (Or, Dad has just shaven - both shaved and shaven are accepted forms.)
Mum has just had her coffee.
Our neighbours' dog has just barked.
My sister's just fed the cat.
We've just sat at the table.
(yawn - ziewnąć, blink - zamrugać, shave - golić się, have coffee = drink coffee, bark - szczekać, feed - karmić, sit - siedzieć)
2. Now, make your own sentences. What has just happened?

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