World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day, June 8th
What a beautiful occasion to think about how huge a body of water an ocean is. Full of myriads forms of life, with its surface shapes as well as underwater structures and mysterious landscapes. Taking part in weather formation. Seemingly having its own moods - from serene and calm, through joyous or pensive, to uneasy, angry or even full of rage.
When I think ocean, when I imagine it, or when I see it in pictures and films, I feel both grateful for and in awe of the miracle that it is.
I've happened to be at the shores of both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific. I hold the memories dear.
I love all the different bodies of water: oceans, seas, waterfalls, lakes, rivers, streams, ponds and puddles.
I love the water in the snow and in the rain. In glaciers, icebergs, geisers and hot springs.
I love waves, currents, ripples and flat surfaces. I love all the sounds water can make. The sound of rain is my absolute favourite one.
What can I do to protect oceans? I can tell you about my love for them, so that you can find that love in your heart, too.
Deep love, from the surface, to the very bottom. From the whole ocean to a single drop that it consists of.
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