Words to speak about speaking, and other words

say said said ~ powiedzieć, powiedzieć coś
tell told told ~ powiedzieć coś (komuś)
speak spoke spoken ~ mówić
talk ~ rozmawiać (z kimś)
- C'mon, say something!
- I don't know what to say.
- What did you say?
- I said "I don't know what to say".
- Say "Good morning".
- What would you say if I said "I love you"?
- Oh, say that again... :)
Clocks and watches tell the time.
Storytellers tell stories.
Tell the truth, don't tell lies.
Tell me something about yourself.
I've told you.
Go tell your best friend about it.
The baby can't speak yet.
We speak Polish and English.
What language are they speaking now?
I need to speak to you.
Don't speak to me like this!
Can you speak slowly, please?
Don't speak! I need some quiet.
Talk to me. If you talk to me, I'll know you better.
I won't talk to you if you don't say "I'm sorry".
I talked to my teacher and he told me how to say "Yes" in Japanese. But I don't want to speak Japanese, I want to speak Polish!
Other words connected with speaking:
thank - dziękować
ask about something- pytać o coś
ask for something - prosić o coś
advise - radzić
invite - zapraszać
offer - oferować, proponować
recommend - rekomendować, polecać
suggest - sugerować
advertise - reklamować
apologise - przepraszać
complain - narzekać, składać zażalenie
warn - ostrzec
order - nakazać / zamawiać (w restauracji)
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